Ministerial Ministry
The purpose of the Ministerial Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is preaching and teaching. Also, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, administer the sacraments, and care for the members of the congregation. They are to build up and equip the church for its ministry in the world.
Chair, Reverend Dr. Gary Carr, Pastor
Reverend Robin Carr, First Lady
Reverend Linnard Richardson
Minister Marsicia Davis
​Deacon/Deaconess Ministry
The purpose of the Deacon Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to assist the clergy in the service of the congregation as assigned by the Pastor and oversee the charitable distribution of gifts to the needy, thereby allowing the clergy more time for prayer and preaching. This includes (but not limited to): Visiting the sick & shut-in; overseeing the benevolent needs of the congregation; caring for the church’s building and grounds; supervising transportation needs of the congregation; assist in preparing candidates for Baptism; overseeing the security and liaison to the Core Ministries per the direction of the Pastor.
Chair, Deacon Richard Perry, Sr.
Chair, Deaconess Patricia Hayes
​Trustee Ministry
The purpose the Trustee Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is responsible for the secular business affairs of the church, financial concerns, maintaining building and facilities, tracking church equipment, investments and property.
​Brother George Zamkovsky
​Armor Bearer
The purpose of the Armor Bearer Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to assist the Pastor and First Lady in everything from adjusting the temperature in the sanctuary to picking up visitors at the airport to running interference for the minister. They are to greet the Pastor and First Lady on arrival, escort them to and from the sanctuary, be in attendance during service, and attend to administrative needs as directed. Also, serves and assists with all visiting First Ladies.
Deacon Amos Davis
Minister Marsicia Davis
​​Beautification Ministry
The purpose of the Beautification Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to ensure God’s house is beautifully decorated as the season dictates to create an elegant place to worship. Also ensure that the interior of the church is inviting and worshipful for members, visitors and guests.
Chair, Reverend Robin Carr
Deaconess Mavis Perry
Deaconess Renee Anderson
Christian Education Ministry
The purpose of the Christian Education Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church, under the leadership of the pastor, is to help the church carry out its vision, mission, and goals by supplying the means, knowledge, opportunity, inspiration, and motivation for Christian growth through educational programs and training. The programs are developed to help all on their Christian journey, whether they are the unchurched, Christians early in their journey, or those who are mature in their relationship with Christ. The ministry teaches all to be freed from sin and come under the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Director, Rev. Linnard Richardson
Church Clerk
The purpose of the Church Secretary/Clerk at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to oversee the operation of the church office and assist the pastor and staff with a variety of administrative duties. As church secretary, additional responsibilities include directing phone calls, managing church schedules, updating the roster of members, ensuring supplies are acquired, controlling important church documents, and developing and producing program documents for church for services.
Finance Committee
The purpose of the Finance Committee at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church, under the direction of the pastor and its chairperson, is primarily responsible for receiving and disbursing all church funds. Throughout the year, the church finance committee oversees the budget, keeping the finances in line. The church finance committee stays in contact with the church's treasurer, assisting him in tracking finances and keeping with the budget. At regular church business meetings, the church finance committee presents the current financial statement. The church finance committee may also present at an annual church voter's meeting. In some congregations, the church finance committee sends a letter, copy of the year's budget and a pledge card to each member of the congregation. During tax time, the church finance committee takes care of the church's taxes and also manages the church's investment accounts and insurance needs.
Treasurer, Minister Marsicia Davis
Assistant Treasurer, Deacon Richard Perry, Sr.
Financial Secretary, Deaconess Alicia Tisdale
Assistant Financial Secretary, Deaconess Patricia Hayes
Member, Deacon Roland Tisdale
Flower & Decorations Ministry
The purpose of the Flower & Decorations Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to beautify the altar and church with flower arrangements and/or plants. The main projects of the ministry efforts and talents are at Christmas time and Easter time when we elaborate with decorating the altar and church.
Deaconess Mavis Perry
Deaconess Renee Anderson
Hospitality Ministry
The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to organize and manage repass dinners at the church. They are responsible for planning menus, cooking food, presenting food, and keeping the kitchen clean. Members of this ministry have been trained in the safety of food handling and preparation.
Chair, Sister Jagara Bell
Sister Idania Zamkovsky
Brother George Zamkovsky
Missionary Ministry
The purpose of the Missionary Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church `is to perform outreach opportunities to reach those in need spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. The missionaries is active in outreach within the Stafford community. They collect and distribute food items to donate to local agencies and people. They also purchase items to distribute to the sick and shut-in in the community. The Missionary Ministry offers prayers, comfort, fellowship, and gospel spreading to the community. The Missionary Ministry meets on the first Saturday of each month.
Chair, Deaconess Mavis Perry
Men’s Ministry
The purpose of the Men’s Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to assist men to assume their rightful role and become spiritual and social catalysts in their families, the church and the community.
Chair, Reverend Linnard Richardson ​
Multi-Media Ministry
The purpose of the Multimedia Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to support all other ministries in communicating the word of God through quality presentations, photography, graphics, website design, lighting, video, and sound.
Brother Malik Tisdale
Music Ministry
The purpose of the Shiloh New Site Baptist Church Music Ministry at Shiloh New Stie Baptist Church is to lead the congregation in songs of worship and adoration. Music is one of the most powerful spiritual tools that shape the imaginative faculty of people.
The Music Ministry is the family choir.
Choir rehearsal is held every Saturday morning at 9 a.m.
Outreach Ministry
The purpose of the Outreach Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we meet; through personal witnessing, and the sharing the Word of God. To provide spiritual, educational, and social events and activities throughout the community that will promote Godly relationships. To equip individuals to serve one another; first within their families, communities, our nation, and throughout the world.
Chair, Deaconess Mavis Perry​
Sunday School Department
The purpose of the Sunday School Superintendent at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church under the Christian Education Ministry is to serve as the general administrative leader of the Church Sunday School Ministry. This person is responsible for coordinating the work of all Church Sunday School classes, departments, and other Bible study opportunities towards the overarching goals of the Church Sunday School.
Superintendent, Deacon Roland Tisdale​​​​​​​​​
Transportation Ministry
The purpose of Transportation Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to reach others with the gospel by providing transportation so they can attend Sunday School and Worship Services on a regular basis. We provide a safe and consistent transportation to the people of God.
Deacon Amos Davis​
Usher Ministry
The purpose of the Usher Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church is to serve as the Door Keepers for the house of God. They meet, greet, and seat worshippers, making them feel comfortable and welcome. The Ushers work hard to keep order in the social aspects of worship. They distribute church bulletins, fans, envelopes for tithes and offers, and they give the Welcome message to visitors. The Ushers meet on the third Thursday of each month. ​
Brother Raymond Crowell
Deaconess Patricia Hayes
Deaconess Renee Anderson
Deaconess Dorothy Kinlaw
Deaconess Mavis Perry
Deaconess Alicia Tisdale
Women's Ministry
The purpose of the Women’s Ministry at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church seeks to embody Christ’s character and the biblical roles of women through oneness with God, unity in the body of Christ, and harmony with each other. To implement programs and ministries that will help women grow in their knowledge of God’s Word, strengthen their relationship with Christ and provide opportunities for them to serve within the church and reach out to the community to share the love of Christ.
Chair, Minister Marsicia Davis