Minister Marsicia Davis

Minister Marsicia S. Davis is a native of New Haven, Connecticut. Minister Davis has faithfully and humbly served God as a young child. She previously served in numerous positions within the church including choir member, Sunday School Teacher, Pastor Aid’s Ministry member, and Vacation Bible School Coordinator at Neabsco Baptist Church. She was instrumental in coordinating the first Health Fair in 2009. Minister Davis was consecrated as a Deaconess in June 2010. She also served as Vice President of the Women of the Word Ministry, Treasurer of the Deaconess Board, and member of the Board of Directors for seven years. She led and organized the Groundbreaking Ceremony in 2016 and the Ribbon Cutting Service when the doors of the new church opened in 2017.
Minister Davis is humbled by the unconditional love, and favor God has shown upon her life and her family. She has a servant’s heart and desires to let the light of Christ which dwells within her inspire others to want to know and
develop a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Her life is a testimony and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others is imperative. She continues to work out her salvation while dying daily to her flesh. She focuses on “Serve effectively so that she can effectively serve the body of Christ.”
She joined Shiloh New Site Baptist Church in October 2022. Minister Davis serves as the Church Treasurer, Chair of the Women’s Ministry, choir member and Sunday School Teacher. In addition, she serves as the Armor Bearer for 1st Lady Reverend Robin Carr.
One of her favorite songs is the hymn “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. Minister Davis often reflects on the scriptures found in Hebrews 12:1-3 for encouragement, because God’s discipline proves His love.
She answered the call to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in August 2023. She was licensed to preach the gospel on March 10, 2024, at Shiloh New Site Baptist Church under the leadership of the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Gary Carr.
Minister Davis graduated from Park University and earned her Bachelor of Science (Cum Laude) degree in Social Psychology. She continued her education and earned two Master of Arts degrees, in Human Resource Management and Human Resources Development from Webster University. Minister Davis is an illustrious Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated member and serves on the South Atlantic Region Chaplain’s Council. She is also a lifetime member of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW).
Minister Davis is a retired Army Command Sergeant Major (E-9) and graduated from the Sergeants Major Academy, Class 55. She honorably served her country as a Human Resources Manager and completed over 25 years of outstanding military service.
Minister Davis is married to Deacon Amos Davis, and they have a daughter Jasmine Jones (Warren), and three grandchildren.